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Working at home

Work and life aren't on opposite sides of the scales - work is part of life.  Our vision is a society where everyone can make work work around all the other commitments and enjoyment of life. This benefits employees, their families, businesses and the economy.

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Flexible Working Scotland was founded by Lynn Houmdi, Scotland's Flex Influencer 2022.


Supporting individuals and employers to ensure work works

We help organisations and individuals make work work in support of wellbeing, productivity and impact. We help individuals to find meaning in their career and design a (work)life blend that works for them, their families and their lifestyles and encourage their employers to support them in that.

Through our community, Flexible Working Scotland, we support over 21k people wishing to work and recruit flexibly and advocate for greater flexibility and equality in the workplace. 

NEW for 2025! Be the first to access the Flexible Working Scotland jobs board, connecting forward thinking employers with flexible talent so both can thrive. Sign up here.

Innovative group programmes for women returners

Making Work Work is an award-winning suite of programmes designed by Lynn Houmdi and The Challenges Group. Programmes support women seeking to return to or progress in work after a career break. Sponsored, subsidized and payable places are available for individuals. Bespoke programmes can be designed for employers.

Support for career returners, switchers and flexers

Whether you’re seeking a new career direction, a better (work)life blend, more purpose in your work, or access to a broader network, we can help. We mentor, coach and train career returners, switchers and flexers.

Advocating for better, fairer work

Flexible Working Scotland founder, Lynn Houmdi, is Scotland's Flex Influencer 2022. She has spoken at the Scottish Parliament on the positive impact of flexible working on child poverty. Lynn is available to campaign, write, facilitate, train and speak on all aspects of making work work, such as flexible working, remote and hybrid work, fair work, leadership and the future of work. 

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Your Guide to Finding Flexible Work in Scotland

THE definitive guide to finding part-time and flexible work in Scotland. This is the only guide to all the jobs sites and platforms offering roles in the public, private and third sectors for people living in Scotland who want to work part-time and/or flexibly.  Updated for 2024 with new jobs boards and the new legislation.

Man Using a Tablet

NEW FOR 2025!

The Flexible Working Scotland Jobs Board

Connecting forward thinking employers with flexible talent so both can thrive.

The only jobs board for Scottish candidates and employers which focuses on the criteria most relevant for equity, diversity and inclusion: flexibility and culture.

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“I feel a massive difference in my confidence, my sense of self purpose and passion and will be a different (and much better) female leader walking back into the workplace.”

Making Work Work participant

“I feel empowered to choose which organisations I want to share my skills with whereas before I felt I would be lucky for an employer to pick me. I'll be brave and have more courage in next steps, and now realise it's ok to make mistakes on that journey too.”

Making Work Work participant

“I have been offered a job. I’m pretty confident that I wouldn’t have applied for the post before starting this programme, but it has definitely given me confidence and opportunity to reflect on what I want to do and the aspects of work that I really enjoy... This is the most excited and optimistic that I have felt in months!”

 Making Work Work participant

(Following two mentoring sessions with Lynn):

"I feel more confident in my skills and abilities, especially after reflecting on some of my negative work experiences; learning from that, not beating myself up, and turning them into positive experiences going forward. I now genuinely believe I have something to offer organisations, rather than thinking why would they want me?"


(Following two mentoring sessions with Lynn):

"I had a very academic and research-oriented CV. Lynn identified my transferable skills and helped me re-frame my past experience. I am now working on improving my CV based on her suggestions so that I'll have a new version of CV for applications in non-science/research fields."


“This course has been a game changer; my confidence ahead of seeking to return to the labour market has been restored and refreshed in ways I simply could not have mustered myself after such a long break. I feel empowered and brimming with ideas as to where I want to take my career next.”

Making Work Work participant

(Following a consultation with Lynn on a job ad):

"I know that... the conversations that we had about being transparent about salary, what flexible working means at [company], and being specific about our expectation of hybrid work (i.e. how much in the office as a minimum), meant that when people saw the advert and enquired about the post, they were really clear of the boundaries of the role and whether it could work for them. We had 7 applicants, we gave everyone the opportunity to interview, and we could have offered the post to three"

Employer, Community Interest Company (telephony sector)

(Following a consultation with Lynn on a job ad):

"Advertising one of our new posts as hybrid widened the field and attracted some excellent candidates who wouldn't want a daily commute… many thanks for your advice on stating clearly how flexible the post was, I'm sure that attracted more applicants."

Employer, Ltd company (counselling sector)

"Thanks for setting up and running the group Lynn, it’s fab! I found a job through it and love the flex chat, so inspiring "

Flexible Working Scotland member

"I joined the group last month and had been struggling to find the perfect job and perfect fit. Thanks to your group I saw 2 jobs that I really liked the sound off applied for both and after a lot of chats and interviews with both companies I am now in the very fortunate position I have been offered both posts with days and hours and wfh that I wanted . So huge thanks!"

Flexible Working Scotland member

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Thanks for submitting!

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Weaving work into life

Every career, every (work)life blend is different. Particularly when you don't feel supported, or when you have had a career break for any reason, it is easy to lose confidence in your experience and abilities.


We are here to help individuals and organisations make the most of skills and to support the design of lifestyles of which work is a meaningful and fulfilling part, aligned with individuals' values, ambitions and potential.

Get in touch to explore how we can work together to make work work.

Lynn Houmdi, Scotland's Flex Influencer 2022

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